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National Patrol Camp X 2018 - Victory!

7 months of dedication, commitment and sacrifices made by the troop and two other cluster units (Peirce Secondary and Mayflower Secondary) has come down to this one camp. Prior to the opening of the camp, the NPC team and service scouts were treated to a celebratory dinner by the teachers and leaders to thank everyone who laboured tirelessly whether it was on the field or behind the scenes.

Entering the competition, the team was determined to fight with an indomitable spirit and give everything they had. From camp development and cooking to pioneering and backwoodsman, the team was always fixated on the task at hand and strived for precision and perfection despite the downpours, lightning and mud. Over the next few days, time flew past swiftly and soon, the NPC team was seated in the field tentage for the award presentation with the troop by the side to uplift the team's spirits and cheer on for them regardless of the outcomes...

Best Unit & Cluster Camp Development: CHS, MFS, PSS

Best Cluster Pioneering: CHS, MFS, PSS

Best Cluster: CHS, MFS, PSS

Gold Award: CHS

As the Camp Chief announced these accolades, the troop applauded and celebrated with sheer pride. The team had aced 3 out of 5 of the major components in the camp and it was evident that our efforts had not gone down the drain. Finally, the defining moment had arrived and everyone instantly lowered their heads in silence.

"Next, we will have the Challenger Award...... Not in order of merit...... Catholic High School"

The troop erupted in jubilance and euphoria as everyone rushed forward for a memorable photograph with the team and challenge plague. The other two challenger awards went to Victoria Arrow Scout Group and Zhenghua Fox Scout Group who earned the challenger plague. To end off the night, the troop carried on with the troop cheer, hollering at the top of their lungs.

This is our 5th Victory out of the 10 NPCs throughout history; the order of victories being:

NPC 1-5: CHS, CHS, Hornets, Arrow, CHS

NPC 6-X: CHS, Arrow, Fox, Fox, CHS.

"While most scouts would be euphoric over winning NPC, clinching the top position, to be named the best troop in Singapore, we must remind ourselves that this is not the end. Catholic High Scout Group has always been champions by our own standards. We define ourselves and we do not use the metrics of others to measure ourselves. This title is no more than a label with a 2 year expiry date, which others have placed upon the troop.

The true reward and takeaway from this camp is the lives that were touched, the people that we have encountered and the hearts of others that we have won over. For the NPC team, coming this far, you can stand on your own now, continue to be an inspiration for the future batches of scouts and to put our troop at the top.

For the Mayflower gentlemen and Peirce ladies, bring home not just your titles but also the experiences and lessons you have learnt. Let this be the start of your golden age and catch the spark that ignites an everlasting legacy while it lasts. It has been a joy and privilege working with all of you, and hopefully we meet again.

Above all, 智仁勇, 日行一善, 深谋远虑. Only through discipline, incorruptible morals and our law and promise can we achieve true greatness and not just superficial and fleeting joy..."

- Lucas Loh, Venture Chairman

To read more on:

Campsite development: Gadgets development:

Cluster Spirit:

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