By Jann Lim
National Patrol Camp (NPC) allowed us to make new friends through a new concept known as cluster. It was a group of 2-3 schools being grouped together and they would have to camp, and accomplish tasks together. In our case, we were paired up with Mayflower Secondary and Peirce Secondary.
We may have started off as strangers, and been super awkward at the start, but through our various cluster meet-ups where we trained together; we slowly got to know each other better. One reason why I think this cluster spirit is so strong is because we had gone through a lot together. From cluster campsite development trainings that included gateway, flagpole and tower, to lively skit rehearsals at the MPR, we definitely put in a lot of effort in the pre-camp phase. And these efforts did not go to waste. We had each other's backs throughout the camp. Some instances include: When Peirce needed assistance erecting their Pounders', we readily helped them. When the cluster needed more intings for the tower, Mayflower selflessly supplied them.
Although the NPC camp may be over, the memories made and friendships forged will definitely last a lifetime. Through cluster dinners we bonded even greater with one another through playing games, telling stories etc.
We also had a celebratory cluster BBQ on 24/11 to honour all the hard work and effort put in by everyone throughout the camp. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, as we barbecued, played sports and even exchanged gifts!
To read more on:
NPC X Victory!:
Campsite development: Gadgets development: