On 1 February 2025, the Troop gathered for our annual investiture ceremony, a special occasion where we recognise our Scouts for their dedication and efforts towards scouting and Troop. It is not just a milestone in their scouting journey, but also an opportunity to encourage Scouts and pass down responsibilities to the future of the Troop.

Celebrating 2024
As we close off 2024, we extend our congratulations to the best Secondary 1, 2 and 3 scouts (Samuel Seow of Pigeon Patrol, Elvis Too of Tiger Patrol and Chian Fon Jay of Shark Patrol), as well as the best patrol of the year, Tiger Patrol.
This prize presentation aims at acknowledging the exceptional performance of the individuals and patrol and encouraging others to learn from them, working harder to become better versions of themselves.
The Investiture Ceremony
Led by their APLs, the now Secondary 2 Scouts marched up to the front of the Troop to receive their Troop scarves, which were adorned on them after placing their left hand on the Troop flag while doing a scout salute on their right and reciting the Scout promise. This reinforces their loyalty to the Troop and to scouting,now being fully fledged Catholic High Scouts. The new Troop scarf also marks the now Secondary 2 scouts as seniors of the Troop, and that they are ready to set an example to the soon-to-be-joining Secondary 1 juniors.

The newly elected Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) consists of eight new PLs (one per patrol), one new ASPL and one new SPL. The Troop is now entrusted in the hands of our newly elected leaders to lead the Troop to scale greater heights to achieve success.
With the promotion of six new Ventures, the Venture unit now stands at a formidable 14 Ventures. The Ventures will continue to work behind the scenes to plan and develop the training and programmes for the scouts, helping the latter learn and grow. The Ventures will continue to face challenges and overcome them, using their takeaways to teach the scouts new lessons which can prove useful in their lives. The Ventures also continue to develop themselves, improving in the pursuit of excellence.

After the ceremony, the Scouts, Ventures and Leaders gathered in the canteen for Lohei to celebrate the year’s success. As each ingredient is added, we said various auspicious wishes in mandarin related to the ingredient. It is also believed that the higher we toss the 鱼生, the greater our fortunes will be in the year ahead. We all tossed as high as we could, saying “Huat ah” and wishing the Troop a fortuitous and prosperous new year.
A Bright Future
Investiture is a special day and memory for the Troop, as it is a day of encouragement, reflection and recognition for all our scouts. A new year presents new challenges, but with our newly elected leaders, we are ready to overcome and learn from them, conquering each obstacle and excelling greater than before.

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