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National Day 2024

Written by Cayden Ng and Chian Fon Jay, Edited by Xavier Tan

On 8 August 2024, Catholic High School celebrated Singapore’s 59th National Day. The Troop is proud of our Scouts for being an essential part of our school's National Day Observance Parade's marching contingent. 

Our scouts trained rigorously for over a month, persevering through the tough drills, numerous rounds of practice, rehearsals, and the scorching sun. Pushing to their limits in every single rehearsal and practice, they gave it their all in the parade, marching with pride, dignity and confidence, for themselves, the troop, and the nation.

Below is a reflection from Chian Fon Jay, the 2024 Scouts contingent commander and Senior Patrol Leader, on this year’s parade: 

"Since the scouts came back from their June holidays, they have been vigorously training their foot drills week in, week out to perfect it for the National Day Observance Parade. 

On the day itself, all their hard work paid off as they executed all the drills with sharpness and precision. From marching in to marching out, the scouts did not fail to impress and were at their best, putting on a great show. This did not come easy and were the fruits of all the hard work that they have put into refining every aspect of the parade."

Through this experience, the scouts managed to strengthen their bonds with each other and forge everlasting memories of their time in scouts. All in all, I am proud of them, who have definitely improved a lot, and hope that they will continue to grow and spur each other on to bring the Troop to greater heights. Happy National Day!



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