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World Scout Day 2024

Written by Chian Fon Jay and Yoee Tay, Edited by Jaydon Tay

“The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.”

~Robert Baden-Powell

Founded by Lord Robert Baden-Powell in 1907, Scouting is a global youth Movement that builds friendships, experiences, and skills for life, shaping young people's futures as active citizens. Here in Catholic High Scouting Group (CHSG), Scouts get to develop their character and leadership skills through experiences outside the classroom.

Today, 22 February 2024, Scouts across the world celebrate World Scout Day, taking it as an opportunity to reflect on their how far they have come on their Scouting journey, as well as considering their vision for Scouting in the future.

Following our annual Investiture ceremony just earlier this month, our newly appointed Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Scout Leader reflect on their Scouting experience.

Chian Fon Jay, Scout, 2024 Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)

'Scouting has been transformative for me as I have learned so much. Scouting is not just about learning how to tie knots and outdoor survival skills, it has also allowed me to develop important skills like leadership and adaptability. As SPL, I must lead the entire Troop and it is too many people for me to micromanage. I have learnt to take a step back to get a clearer picture of what is happening and, from there, delegate tasks and manpower to effectively complete our given objective, be it setting up basha tents or building structures. Looking back to where I was when I first joined Scouts, I can confidently say Scouting has shaped me into who I am today.'

Yoee Tay, Venture, Assistant Scout Leader (ASL)

'In Secondary 1, when I first joined Scouts, the rigorous trainings showed me the importance of trustworthy and dependable friends to help and encourage me through tough times. When I became Assistant Patrol Leader in Secondary 2, I learned how crucial discipline was and how it only mattered if I also applied it to my life outside of Scouting, especially as a student. I was then given the role of Patrol Leader in Secondary 3. Confidence was key as other junior Scouts would look up to me and follow my leadership. Now as a Secondary 4 student, I have been recently promoted to the rank of Venture as an ASL and I look forward to further improving myself and helping to guide the Troop to greatness.

As we celebrate World Scout Day, I am sure all Scouts throughout the world will think back to their humble beginnings when they initially joined Scouts and remember how far they have come as a Scout and as an individual or society.'



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